Truly a modern-day show business star, Memphis native Cybil Shepherd was selected as the 1993 Tennessean of the Year by the Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame. Shepherd has won acclaim as a producer, actress, and singer. She starred in her own sitcom, “Cybil,” but is probably best-known for her many starring roles in movies since her critically-acclaimed debut in “The Last Picture Show.” Her acting talent, however, is not confined only to the screen, and Shepherd has had many stage successes as well. In addition, she has recorded four albums and has been well-received in her singing engagements. Shepherd started singing in her church choir at the age of eight. In 1968 she won the “Model of the Year” title from Stewart Models and frequently appeared on covers of “Life”, “Vogue”, “Glamour”, and “People.” Shepherd moved to Los Angeles for her first movie role, then back to Memphis in the 1970s to concentrate on the theater and jazz. Now balancing career and parenthood, she also gives much of her energy to charity work and has served two terms as national chairperson of the Christmas Seals Campaign and American Lung Association. She is a nutrition and physical fitness enthusiast, and her special interests include race walking, swimming, and bicycling. Cybil Sheperd notes that “I’d love to go to Holland and do a bike tour, and I fantasize about swimming the English Channel!”