In honor of the Champion Within program, we host an annual luncheon, which gives us an opportunity to celebrate the lives of successful individuals, Past Honorees included Pat Summitt, Special Olympics Athletes of the Year, Andrew Williams and Joshua Putman, the National Champion Goodlettsville Little League All-Star Team, Bethel University Women’s Basketball Team led by Katie Van Dyke and Tayla Foster, Richard Witherspoon, Coach John Farr, Bill Neeley, Coach Doug Dickey and SHAPE (Starting Habits to Attain Physical Excellence) program creator, Peggy Michaels. The luncheon also brings special guest speakers that have overcome all odds despite having physical impediments to make a difference in the lives of young people. The past three years speakers were Mike Flynt, Bill Talley and Fred Bailey. The honorees continue to inspire all they encounter with their dedication and hard work, which led to their success. They represent the qualities that we at the Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame believe are the true rewards gained in competition.
For more information contact the Hall at 615-242-4750